In His Image Publishing
A Message To The
The Author's Synopsis
Angeanette Gray
A Message to The Church is an urgent call to The Body Of Christ to hear The Word of The Lord released to The Seven Churches through The Book of Revelation. This message is an urgent plea for the need for self- evaluation and repentance to every believer. This is also good news to all that will have an ear, to hear, "what The Spirit saith unto the Churches.” This is not meant only for our places of worship but God is speaking to you as individuals, as HIS Church and representatives of HIS Church in the earth and to the world. It is my prayer that you will not just read this as a book but receive this as a prophetic Word manual of study, reflection, and prayer, that empowers the reader by the working of HIS Holy Spirit.
This is a GREAT time for God’s Church, as we stand as ONE in Faith and believe God for the impossible! We are God’s Church/Ekklesia and it is time for us to take our place of dominion and rule as HIS Ekklesia standing in governmental authority and power declaring Matthew 6:10: THY KINGDOM COME . THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!! AMEN!!!